Hi Chris & Christine,
As you might have read from my blog, to me the course is still very relevant and I feel that it is the best course that I have done so far. I took my time to visit several dog training grounds just to have a feel and see their training methods. I can assure you that SADTC is the best.
I have not opened any dog training centre at the moment, but I am training my own dogs and my friends’ dogs and the results have been wonderful. I have not added anything to my knowledge but all what you taught me at the college and so far so good.
The only thing that I have to do is to come for a refresher course or training and that will put me in a better position to then open my own dog training centre.
As far as what I learned at the college is concerned, I am happy and will gladly make recommendations where I feel something has to be changed or done in a different way.