Diane Ferreira Redelinghuys
I want to thank South African Dog Training College for all the tools they have equipped my toolbox with when it comes to training dogs. I completed my level 2 Instructors course today. (Awaiting my results).
I adopted a submissive pup from CLAW (Community Led Animal Welfare) in March this year. The reason being that Alex did not tolerate high energy confident puppies that got into his face.
Benjamin howled blue murder out the back of my car window at the cars behind him. I am sure if he was a human child, people would have called the cops.
This was a month before I was to leave for 4 weeks to NZ. I applied the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months rule that I was taught in the Basic home obedience instructors course. The primary issue was to get Alex and Benjamin to bond without my interference, if needed. I never needed to interfere. Alex was the best Alpha ever!
I started teaching Benji just the sit for his food. I got pet sitters to look after my 4 animals, 2 cats and the dogs while I was away. They did a sterling job! When I returned, Benjamin was 5 months old and I started puppy socializing classes with Chris Byron at the club. Wow! What a guy with puppies! This allowed for Benji and I to form a bond, and so much more! I only learnt during this course that Benji and I skipped a level straight into Debbie’s class. Another PHENOMENAL basic home obedience trainer.
I brought Benjamin to the course, wanting to expose, introduce and teach him about agility. Going over the A- frame, the “board walk”, (which is terrifying for 99% of dogs and need several days of luring to do. Going through a hoop and through a pitch black tunnel. I used Alex as lead dog for the A frame and board walk, and Benji did not flinch. He did the tunnel and Tyre without hesitation.
For those that have seen Benjamin’s incredible propensity to serve, (opening drawers, cupboards, carrying and picking up ANYTHING,
I need to say ONE thing.
Without the knowledge I have obtained by doing the Instructors courses, being taught by the best I have come across in my 63 yrs, I would not have been able to “create and mold” such a happy and confident pup / dog.
Thank you Chris Vd Westhuizen , Christine, Biata, Chris Byron, Tammy Schutte and Debbie (?).
Michelle Potts Weedman ….thank YOU and CLAW for all your hard work and dedication you put into rescuing animals and reaching out to the uneducated. Without CLAW, I would not have the incredible dogs I have!
I am truly blessed!
Diane Redelinghuys