Coming here was a spur of the moment decision after months of researching and putting it off. With the benefit of hind sight I now truly believe this is where I was destined to be.
I want to thank you and Christine for the dedication and love you are showing towards animals (and people), you are such an inspiration and true beacons of hope.
This course has made me love dogs much more than I ever thought would be possible, it has opened a new door into a new world full of new adventures, it also opened my eyes to the fact that somewhere in life I lost myself but at the same time I realised who I want to be and I know that once I leave here I will be a new happier version of me.
I can’t describe how much respect I have for you and the only way I will ever be able to thank you for touching my heart and my life is by going out there and change the way people think about these lovely animals.
One thing you said that stuck was “you are the dogs last chance, if you mess up the dog will die” I decided that if I am the only hope I will never give up, as long as you have hope, love and patience all is not lost and quitting is not an option the reward of a happy dog is worth it all.
I want to wish you only the best and I hope that many more will be touched in the way I was touched, you will forever be a part of me.