Dog Training Instructor Classes
Dog Training Instructor Classes offer a range of instructor classes for puppy instructors, beginner to advanced obedience instructors, agility instructors and protection instructors. These courses consist of practical and theory.
SADTC is also global, training its first international learner Instructors during September 2009. We have had enquiries from the U.S.A, Singapore, Jordan, UK, Australia, Sweden, Zanzibar, and many African countries to do this course again. There are also many from the whole of Africa, including Botswana, Uganda, Nigeria, etc.
Dog Training Instructor Classes are aimed at teaching humane methods to improve the dog and handlers lives.
We have two of the highest qualified instructors internationally to our credit, (Chris and Christine) and have been complimented by international Instructors from the Geneva Convention, U.S.A., U.K., Holland, and Sweden.
We work closely with many veterinarians from all over S.A. and professors from Onderstepoort University.
Chris and Christine are both qualified canine behavioural consultants.
SADTC holds seminars on new and different spheres of training, from puppies to protection and more.
Chris has the following international endorsements:
– Puppy (U.S.A.)
– Novice (U.S.A.)
– Open (U.S.A.)
– Utility (U.S.A.)
– Diploma in Animal Behaviour from Onderstepoort
– Affiliate member of the UK Temperament Test Society
– Member of Anglo American Dog Training
– Chris has given talks locally and in the U.S.A.
– Life member into NADOI
Christine has the following international endorsements:
– Puppy (U.S.A.)
– Novice (U.S.A.)
– Open (U.S.A.)
– Utility (U.S.A.)
– Agility (U.S.A.)
– Tracking (U.S.A.)
– Diploma in Animal Behaviour from Onderstepoort
– Member of Anglo American Dog Training
– Tester for Delta Society for Therapy Dogs (U.S.A.)
– Tester for PATus Therapy Dogs (R.S.A.)
– Life member into NADOI
Martinique has the following international endorsements:
– Puppy (U.S.A.)
– Companion (U.S.A.)
– Member of Anglo American Dog Training
– Martinique was the youngest person in South Africa to have completed and qualified two international endorsements
Biata is qualified to train puppies and offers a course for junior puppies, she has introduced a new course for the pups that are promoted from pups 1. They have so much fun in her class that it makes the handlers with older dogs want to join in. But this is just for slightly older puppies. There are photos under the Gallery.
Come visit us on a Saturday morning and see what we do and how much fun you can have with a pup or older dogs. Many of our handlers state that they don’t know what they used to do on Saturday mornings and how much fun they missed out on.
Dog Training Instructor Classes now global.
Our first ever International training course was launched in September, 2009. We had a qualified instructor from India, and learners and behaviourists from Botswana and South Africa as well.
It was with great satisfaction and excitement that we held the 3 week course at SA Dog Training College, as it was a true work of art. It was the first of its kind we offer and was extremely comprehensive. This is not only for complete beginners but also for people that want to enhance their capabilities.
The feedback and participation was exhilarating, so we have decided to make this a permanent course we offer. We have included success stories about this course for you to peruse.
We have now had enquiries from the U.S.A, UK, Australia, Sweden, Zanzibar, Singapore, Jordan, and many African countries to present this course.
Feel free to contact us if you would like more details about the course, as we need many dedicated, humane instructors all over the world. Congratulations to those of you who already work with these methods. Even if you are a seasoned instructor/behaviourist this course will be beneficial to you.
What a compliment to be teaching people from all over the world and receiving the feedback we did. What an inspiration to us!
Bookings are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.
Instructor Course Success Stories
Instructor Course Level 1
Instructor Course Level 2025
Instructor Course Level 1 September 2024
I loved the course and this is why I came back. The dog addiction has bitten me and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
The seminar was a good experience. The presenters are very knowledgeable and I did not have problems with their instructions.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
It is a great venue. It was a fantastic course, there was a lot of work and a lot to take in, but it was worth it. Thank you so much Chris, Christine, Biata, Mackayla and Romayne.
Pretoria East
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
All instructors were fantastic. Great venue, has a good variety of uses, all spaces were correct for purpose. The course is well structured, information is pertinent and delivered with complete transparency. I really admire the way it was done.
Randpark Ridge
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
The knowledge of commands exercises – strategies on behaviour problems and what to read. The first Aid. I enjoyed all the topics presented and loved the relaxed setting.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Behaviour and how to look for root causes, not just displayed behaviour. Presenters have a wealth of knowledge and I am very thankful for their willingness to share it.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Coming into the course with zero experience with animals as a whole. I have learned a lot and would happily do it again in the future.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
10 out of 10. I love been here. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us, what you guys created is amazing, keep up the excellent work.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
The real value of dogs and the actual impact they have and can have on the human population. Most valuable – think like a dog. I am bias towards Christine, so no complaints. Chris’s passion and knowledge, any criticism, none from me. I enjoy the life experiences with dogs.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
How to use desensitization and flooding on nervous and anxious dogs to build their confidence. I enjoyed and found value in all the topics. Venue is suitable. I enjoyed the course. It has changed my view on how to train my dogs and given me insight on what I should teach other people about dogs.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
All the sickness and dangers to the dog. That you must do proper homework before getting a puppy/dog. It was nice sitting outside, fresh air, and I loved the horse visits.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
The venue was suitable. What you said we will walk away with in the end was what you gave us to take home.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
The handling of dogs and the progression of training. My overall experience was positive and informative.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Dog behaviour and how to use dog’s minds to make training easier for both the dog and myself. Venue was comfortable and convenient for me. The presenters were very helpful and gave a lot of real-life examples to explain the concepts being taught.
Aspen Hills
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
The presenters handled well in the topics and had a wide range of knowledge. Training was well presented and all instructors were well informed in their specific fields.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Instructor Course Level 1 2024
Ashveer & Odin
Odin was quite fearful, and if he felt threatened, he would then react extremely aggressively! An update is that Odin is now taking treats from all of us, and allowing us to pet him, we are really proud of the effort that Ash put in to allow Odin to be a happier, more stable dog. I can’t wait for them to be in my advanced class, as we can only go from strength to strength from here.
Christine and her team from SADTC are the best trainers I have encountered. Just like Ali and Jordon of the sports world, SADTC are the equivalent in the dog behaviourists space.
My boy Odin was anxious and fearful after having a rough puppy experience. He showed aggression towards anyone not in his pack and it was tough to control him in new environments. SADTC identified Odin’s strengths, and through intense training sessions and dedication from the team, Odin was pushed to his limits to overcome his fear and anxiety.
Christine’s experience and professionalism led Odin to become a confident young man, and now even takes treats from her hand. From the bottom of my heart thank you SADTC. My boy and I have a new found bond that I’ll cherish forever.
I tried to put my experience into words but I will never be able to thank you enough!
Paw Life
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Freda & Xena
Freda rescued Xena who was nervous and insecure. While out walking Xena a jogger ran past, was obviously too close, and Xena being a rescue nipped at the jogger, with no damage done.
Freda phoned Anita, who was doing level 1 Instructor course with us, and Anita called me over asking me to speak to Freda. I found out that Freda had been to training at different clubs, and 2 behaviourists, (I have the names of all, but will not print them.) She was advised that Xena was useless and never going to improve, after the behaviourists asked the vet to put Xena on Prozac, they told Freda that it wasn’t working, Freda was told to euthanize Xena.
I did not speak to Freda, but just told Anita to bring Freda to us.
We met this highly energetic dog, and within minutes I knew this dog was not aggressive. She just needed some work and within 10 minutes I told Freda that there was nothing wrong with her dog, we could improve the situation dramatically. With this news Freda burst into tears, because she was expecting the worst.
I am extremely proud of Freda for making the effort with Xena, and we have such an improvement after only a few sessions already!
Feedback on Xena
Xena is very relaxed at home and far more relaxed on the road. She had been recovering well from her triggers. Yesterday I walked her after the vet session and she was bombarded by motorbikes, runners, baby in pram, dog in pram and all the times she bounced back after I did the relaxation massages with her and she was in a pack of 4 -walk. Even the neighbours are noticing that she is calmer. Thank you so much.
I cannot begin to thank you enough for ‘rescuing’ Xena a 2nd time. She is very laid back today and I even allowed her to join the others in the front of my garage as that area is not fenced and the dogs are allowed to sniff my yard but not venture out of the boundary. She did not. She played with a tennis ball and entertained herself while the others sniffed and then lay down as they always do when I am sweeping. It really feels good to have a ‘normal’ dog again. (It is a 10 min ritual that we have when it is quiet in the neighbourhood and it builds trust between the dogs and self).
I left the garage door open and initially she kept on checking herself into garage – little insecure I would think but we will build on that. A week ago I never thought this would be possible. I remained alert for possible triggers as I wanted the experience to be a good one and it was – for all of us. The best was when she joined the others and lay down with them. I regretted the fact that I did not have my phone with me to record this.
Have an awesome weekend
Best regards Freda
Xena’s story
Xena was adopted from Husky Heaven Rescue in Dec 22 as a young stray pup. She fitted into pack quite easily and was comfortable at home. I noticed that she had problems coping with outside world on walks/outings.
She was labelled a difficult, untrainable dog by 2 puppy schools and 2 behaviourists. It escalated and she was put on medication. No improvement in 9 months and her frantic behaviour got worse. I was recommended to put her down after an alleged ‘biting’ incident.
I was introduced to SADTC who showed me that there are many idiots and wannabe trainers. With the introduction of the behaviour shaping, I could not believe the difference. My ‘useless and untrainable’ dog was learning and enjoying her sessions.
Once you get to the voice of real experience, you notice a change in your dog. She is still a nervy, edgy dog but equipped with skills acquired from Christine, I am coping better with my wild child. I am so, so, so grateful to the kindness and generosity from Christine and all the students from the SADTC instructor course, for the time and effort. She is off the drugs, she is learning and we are both coping better on our walks!!
Most importantly she is still alive and no words can express my gratitude ! !!
We ventured out of my complex today – Xena, Lexi and I – boy did we have fun. She still has her triggers but it is not so intense and she is listening to me.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Instructor Course Level 1 September 2023
Edward asked me this morning if I was looking forward to going back to work today. I stared crying as I didn’t want to go back, I want to follow my dream and work with dogs ????. I miss everyone, including the doggies that has become our friends over the last 2 weeks.
Score: 11 out of 10 ????. The way it was done was perfect.
Christine, you were very hard on us and pushed us, but it was great. You gave us the opportunity to learn so many things. The part of the course that I enjoyed the most from your section is everything….., the way you interacted with the dogs that had problems. It made me happy to see dogs in a bit of pain come around. You showed me that the positive change that I want to make in these dogs lives, is possible. I can’t wait to spend more time with you and learn as much as you can teach me, hopefully giving me the opportunity follow in your footsteps. Thank-you for giving me a glimpse into the world I want to be a part of.
Continue being hard on me, so I can be the best I can be for them.
Chris, well, what can I say. You were so informative in this section. The things you taught us, is things I never thought I would ever learn in this course. It was way more than what I expected, or hoped to get (thank-you for the flash ????) The part of the course you dealt with that I loved was all the interesting information, especially the anatomy and diseases. The comedy that you brought into every class was great, it made learning fun.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Victoria & Florry
I just wanted to thank you both so much for the last month. I am SO grateful for everything I have learnt and what I most appreciate is how passionate both of you are when it comes to working with dogs. You have been incredibly generous with your wisdom and experience!
It is clear that giving this training was not just a tick the box kind of thing, but you really want us to be prepared for this work, both in terms of theory and knowledge but also how to really put everything we have learnt into action. We have to use our heads and our heart, and I love that about this training and this work.
I have had a lot of ideas about how I want to incorporate this work into what I am already doing and when I have a better picture of what it all looks like, I will run it all by you. I also look forward to shadowing as many classes (especially the puppy classes) as I can and also training Florry.
I am also happy to help out where I can with fundraising or anything along those lines. There are lots of markets that happen in my area all the time, we could maybe set up a stall and get some sponsored items to sell and have some of the therapy dogs there for people to visit so we can raise some funding for that.
Christine, I am serious about competing with Florry (just for the experience) in both obedience and agility, so let me know the next steps I can take.
Thank you again. If you would like me to write any kind of success story or review for your website, I will be happy to do so.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Hi Madam. Myself and the ???? all good. I’m so happy for the message. Training myside is going extremely well. I have a full time trainer employed now, so the work is coming in nicely.
I always tell my kids that my life changed after meeting you guys. SADTC really opened my mind to dog training.
SADTC changed my life. Was worth every penny I spent @ your organization. Today I stand proud as a member of SADTC
I do get all the referrals.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
I would rate the course 11/10.
It was fun, serious, immensely detailed and life changing. It taught me so much not just about dogs, but life too, to change my perspective, and remember that everyone (even dogs) has a story that you don’t know about, but that story is what makes the difference.
Thank you for sharing your life’s work with us. I look forwarding to making you and the dogs proud. Can’t wait to see you on Saturday.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
I loved Level 1, so much information that I did not know, and you have given me a different way of looking at dogs. I was very interested in the behaviour and the therapy training and nose work, especially drugs and illness. I found the empathy you showed to the dogs labelled as aggressive, beautiful, and on further discussion, you found that they had other problems that had not been fully investigated. You showed me that the wrong diagnosis, could mean that a dog that can be saved, would be destroyed and that not all behaviourists are equal.
I would score you 10 out of 10, the information was comprehensive and understandable. Next year I will do level 2 and 3, and will bring Dream for obedience training and hopefully therapy training either in December or January, once back from the UK.
Miss you all so much, the course gave me so much to think about.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
I hope this email finds you well. I am well, although tired! It is good to be home even though it is a little strange! I just pruned my roses and I kept getting lost in my routine!
I was happy to help with everything. It is very fulfilling to do that. You (everyone at SADTC) went beyond the course to help us and it reminded me that humanity can be so good. I am glad that I studied with you even just to experience that, let alone the knowledge I acquired in training people and their dogs to live in harmony.
Have a great day!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
I thank you for the wonderful experience learning about dogs and myself. The following is my feedback:
- The knowledge I gained in terms of applying science to the art of dog and people training is invaluable;
- This course also afforded me an opportunity to study with a group of people with a different culture/mentality and that will help me expand my horizons;
- You both are generous in sharing your knowledge and experience and offering to continue mentoring us beyond this course;
- I would have liked to have a more detailed module on equipment for dog training and interactive/play tools in order to be in a better position to choose and/or advise clients on how to select the best tools to use; and more hands-on practice with dogs and taking classes, but, with a large group as ours, it is understandable why it was not possible in two weeks to do so.
I rate this course as an 8 out of 10.
I hope this feedback will be helpful. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to study with you.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
I would just like to start off by saying a massive thank you to Chris and Christine for providing and sharing the very valuable information it took you guys years to obtain and go through different scenarios so other people can do and know better.
Thank you for sharing your inspirational work and findings with people who all hopefully have the same goal in mind and that is to help save as many dogs as we can and to educate all humans on just how special dogs are.
Going into the course I thought I knew a fair amount on dogs as in my 32 years on earth I have never not had less than 2 dogs around me a time. And as I said on Saturday evening at dinner I got a slap in the face with how much more there was to know and probably is to still know.
The course was insightful, I have gained so much more knowledge to work with and use to help educate others.
I sat in my bed on Tuesday night and soooooooooo many ideas started flooding my head on where to go on from here.
I am so damn excited for the future and where this journey will be taking me.
At training on Sunday Biata said to Nicolas my fiancé and me that my heel work is already so much better and she told Nicolas I definitely got a voice while being there haha.
And all that simply because I know better now.
- “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” – Marc Anthony
- “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs
I would definitely recommend the course to friends and family and I will definitely be back for Level 2 and 3.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
I thoroughly enjoyed level 1 of the course and I learnt and gained a lot. What I enjoyed most about the course was how hands on we got to be with the dogs while doing practical work and all the encouragement given by you both while teaching. I have gained so much knowledge through level 1 and I enjoyed learning everything you had to teach so I personally don’t feel anything needs to be improved or changed. I would definitely score this course a 10/10.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Hi Christine thank you so much for everything you and Chris are amazing ???? l enjoyed it so much what a good group please say thank to them from me miss you guys a lot, also miss hearing your voices.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Instructor Course Level 1 September 2022
April 2023
Good morning Christine,
Thank you for your email and advise, I really appreciate it, I have contacted the owner and asked him to send his workers to me so I can help them and the dog how to get along with each other, he is going to bring them when he returns to South Africa, I am going to let the workers take over the role from the owners, he is such a wonderful dog, and what they are doing to him is not fair, I have thought him, sit, down, wait, and when I enter the kennel I tell him place he runs to the mat and then I enter the kennel, he then sits and wait until I tell him what to do next, I also thought him leave it, so we have monkeys an all kinds of animals in the field, so when I take him for a walk and he wants to charge them I tell him leave it, and he will come back to me and we keep walking. He is really such a good boy.
You will be very proud if you see my place, I work my but of every day, and I love every minute of it.
Last week I send a German Shepherd puppy home that I had for obedience and poisen proofing, and also personal protection, the owners are so happy with his progress and his manners.
I also have a Mallinois with me, she was with other trainers last year, they had her for 2 weeks and send her back home and told the owners she will never be a protection dog, I workerd on her socializing and I build her confidence, then I took het to XXX for help with the bite work, I felt like a proud mother that , she is doing so well with the bite work, everyone is so impressed.
Then I have a Dutch shepard also with me, she must learn obedience and man trailing, so 3 times a week I load her and the malli in my trailer and I take them to XXX, he then helps me with the man trailing and scent work and of course the protection work.
I am so grateful for your input and guidance in my life, I enjoying every second of what I do, I just struggle sometimes to fit in the farm work and kids, but I will get there.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Middleburg
I would like to thank all of the wonderful people of SADTC for an awesome experience whilst doing my level 1 dog training course.
The 2 week course duration passed so quickly as I was having a great time, Christine and Chris at my heels pushing all the time so that I may achieve the best results. The knowledge I have gained would never have been possible if C & C were not giving me their years of knowledge through the training.
The info was always free and forthcoming in all aspects of the course, and the kind and gentle manner in which training was carried out made all the differance.
C & C you are Awesome and I thank you from my heart for everything, may you be Blessed in abundance.
I will always treasure the 2 weeks,
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Every time I’ve asked for advice on a matter Leam has assisted. If I have asked for further knowledge on something, he has enquired by other instructors. He’s on his game, very helpful and friendly.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
I do hope that you are keeping well and yes, I am still loving this new life and have gone from strength to strength after flying up and training with you.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 P.E.
When we started you said it was going to be life-changing, and 2 weeks down, I concur. The fact that I signed up for levels 2 and 3, two days into the first course, that would give you all the feedback you need.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Aspen Hills
I found both presenters easy to approach, pleasant and very supportive, not something I have experienced before, and something I find valuable and encouraging. I loved it! I wouldn’t change anything. I will be recommending this course to others with no hesitation at all. I am grateful for this experience and I’m so excited for what is still to come.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Dalpark
I have had an awesome 2 weeks. I have learnt so much about the dogs and myself. Thank you Chris and Christine.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Springs
Learned from day 1. Topics and presentation was great. Venue was perfect. Came in positive and left positive.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Midrand
Big thank you Christine and Chris. Although a lot of info to absorb, I thoroughly enjoyed learning from you. Will definitely come back for more
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Randburg
Ek het die kursus vleeslit baie geniet. Ek vat so veel meer kennis terug huis toe wat my lewe en gesin gaan verander. Chris & Christine nie net van die klasse geleer nie, maar nog meer van julle net om selfs buite die seminar met jul kan gesels. Thanks for this life changing experience
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Springs
Instructor Course Level 1 March 2022
I thought I knew about dogs, and in all honesty, I have absorbed so much knowledge. I really enjoyed my time here as hard as it is to be away from home and you really inspired me. Only hope I can make you proud and can’t wait to come back and visit
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Botswana
Everything covered well to my expectations. The training was excellent
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Zimbabwe
It was excellent – you guys were wonderful, your sense of humour and the way you present was great. You love for dogs is seen in everything you do and say. Thank you for the privilege of doing this course and sharing your knowledge.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Pretoria
The teachers are so nice and explain well.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Tanzania
Instructor Course Level 1 2022
Instructor Course Level 1 2021
I really enjoyed the behavioural side of the studies.
Please bring the course closer to KZN so I can come train by you more often..
I really enjoyed the course, the people and the things I learned. I will most definitely recommend the course to other people.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 KwaZulu Natal
The most valuable lesson I learnt is to THINK LIKE A DOG.
All the topics covered were valuable, as well as the cautionary note on evaluating a dog for yourself and not taking what people tell you about their dog as the truth.
The venue is suitable and functional, nice to be outdoors and have the kennels available for assessments and to be able to work with dogs that are here to be kennelled/trained.
It was a very informative course and it is good to work through all the topics as it all comes together in the end.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Bloemfontein
Thank you for the privilege to learn from you. Your love and passion for dogs is inspiring. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about dogs and look forward to learning more. I would love to learn more about behaviour and to attend a workshop on Therapy dogs.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Bloemfontein
The venue was spectacular and the manner in which the premises are set up is good.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Namibia
The most valuable thing I learnt was reading different behaviours.
The seminar presenters were lovely and the venue was suitable.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Botswana
It was truly a great experience. The course was more than expected.
The presentation was covered well and addressed attentively.
My expectations were more than met. It was truly amazing and stimulating. It was a great experience.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Dalpark
I thoroughly enjoyed both the topics and the presenters.
The venue was 100 per cent.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Northern Cape
The most valuable thing I learnt was a better understanding of how dogs think, interact and view us.
Classes were always interesting and well presented. Many topics was discussed that I hadn’t even though of.
I enjoyed the course very much. I learned a lot more than expected. I am looking at dogs now with different eyes.
Very well presented and very happy I attended.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Cape Town
There is so much priceless information.
Lovely venue, love the space and the cleanliness. The staff was all so wonderful.
I was very happy with the course, I wish it was longer because it was fun. I had excitement about learning new things everyday.
I look forward to learning more in the future.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Brackendowns
The most valuable thing I learnt was behaviour and de-sensitising.
Presenters were all fabulous and excellent. All was fantastic as is, I give a 10 out of 10.
It feels as if you are the whole time part of the dogs around you.
Please consider giving levels 1, 2 and 3 more than once a year. The seminar is definitely a must, it is a different world.
Thanks for the seminar, all I can say is WOW, it opens your eyes to a different world.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Alberton
The most valuable thing I learnt was how to handle dogs and how to get the best out of them with positive methods.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Rustenburg
Everything was very valuable.
I will come back for level 2 and 3 for the in-depth for the subjects. I have learnt to focus on my body, my mind, the dog and being under pressure.
It is perfect, we had everything we need.
Thank Chris and Christine. I did not know what to expect when I came, it was a tough course, but worth it. I had my bad moments, but you helped me to work through it.
Thanks for everything you have taught me.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 Mpumalanga
The most valuable thing I learnt was better and more refined handling, and drives.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 1 India
I went to a farm close to Belfast where the woman has a riding school, she has got a German shepherd that bites the horses, so I went there and took him to the camp where they walk with the horses I first started walking the dog outside the camp. I gradually progressed so that he was not lunging at the horses, and eventually had him lying . I am going to work with him again next week.
Now my highlight was yesterday, I was so amazed myself and the owners mouth dropped open after I worked with her dogs.
The lady is a doctor her husband is a farmer and they have a son who is 2. They have a Duchie and rescued a German Shepherd and yesterday I worked with the dogs. I taught her what to do and also did behaviour shaping with the dogs.
She sent me a message late afternoon and told me it is going so good there is quietness in the house for the first time since they got back. they did not have an incident since yesterday before I got there. So with all of this happening i want to study further.
With my own dogs I have also got breakthrough, they don’t jump on us anymore, and my one female struggles with retrieve so Sunday I took 2 of them to the dam and Ii threw the dumbbell for them and they brought it back for me we played like that for a bit. Yesterday when I threw a ball for her she brought it back to me, it was a wonderful feeling.
The 2 that were fighting have also improved.
I am so grateful for all the knowledge that I have learned from you, thank you for helping me, your course has changed my live forever.
Training type: Dog Training Belfast
Hello Chris! I hope you and the family are well! Please send all my love! I wanted to thank you all once again for your guidance and expert knowledge that everyone at SADTC brought me. I have just had a long time client, with their Great Dane (just over 1 year old intact bitch)listen to my recommendation and get their dog to a vet before starting with behaviour modification. They sent their dog to me for board and I noticed a new behaviour. She will furiously chase her tail to the point of hurting it when anything raises her threshold. I tried exercising her out and working the mind, didn’t change it. Recommended she go to the vet and rule anything out. Lo and behold, it is a situation that requires medication and she will be right as rain with the right management going forward. They thanked me profusely because the vet said it is hard to pinpoint and people mistake the tail chasing as boredom and boredom alone. It wasn’t adding up for me so I told her VET before they see me again and she is coming to me again on Thursday so I will monitor and see.
Thank you for teaching me the importance of being humble. There are too many hectic dog trainers out there all fighting and being crazy against one another and forgetting we do this for the dogs and the owners who care. Thank you to you, Christine, Biata and everyone who worked with me. I look forward to maybe popping by next time I’m up again to say hello
Training type: Dog Instructor Course
This is the first month I started training since the lockdown and my return from SA and I must tell you what a difference Level 1 made to me. Not only am I able to feel confident about explaining my work (with all the Theory I learnt there), which I could not do earlier. Among other things, the “stays” I am able to get out of my dogs are phenomenal – which was a disaster earlier because I always ended up getting the dogs to break their stays. I must thank you both for all the efforts you put in to improve all of us.
I am writing this in particular to you to ask if you’d agree if I requested affiliation with SADTC. More than a company or a business outfit, my vision is to create a community of educated individuals. I would like you both to be the mentor and guide and to validate everything the institute will do in India.
I’m really looking forward to coming back to SA for Levels 2 & 3. Hope to see you soon.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 India
I love you guys, I am very sad that my 4 weeks have come to an end. When I came here I had no confidence in myself, the way you guys teach really does make a huge difference in our lives. I even see the difference in others. I enjoyed the courses so much, I never want to leave and I can’t to get here in the morning.
Dankie dat julle doen wat julle doen, dis regtig amazing gewees. Ek sien julle Saterdag.
Where do I even start…. I got a tiny little Great Dane puppy in June 2020 that was going to grow into a giant very soon. I prepared myself for this new adventure as best as I knew how. I got all the “best” equipment and enrolled us into basic home obedience classes (not SADTC) and we really tried to do everything you’re supposed to do. I adore my dog and he was really growing fast, but the more he grew the more he became out of control and I couldn’t handle him anymore..
I couldn’t take him out anymore because I was so afraid he would react towards other dogs and I had no idea how to control him. I felt defeated and that I failed him completely. I then started looking for answers on how to fix it and then came across SADTC’s website. I went back every day for more than a week and read the success stories and how happy people are with their training and everything else they have to offer.
The more I read the more I was convinced that I found the place that would help me be a better dog parent. I then decided that just training my dog was not enough and that I needed to learn more than I thought, so I enrolled with SADTC’s instructors course.
My little baby giant inspired me to do better and that is what I did. I have never learned so much in my life, every day was packed with knowledge and understanding, being around same minded people who truly cares for dogs and being able to see the difference in dogs lives first hand was really a life changing experience.
After implementing what I have learned with my own dog and seeing results to a happier more balanced dog from the day we made some very important changes, I was completely sold that I could not learn from better people than Chris and Christine.
Being on the course we not only made friends but a family and can now proudly say that all I want to do is be the difference in the lives of the most loving creatures known to man..
It has been such a great privilege to have been able to learn from Chris and Christine and I am so thankful to have found you, I am looking forward to be part of this family for the rest of my life and to keep growing on the foundation (and 1st & 2nd floor) you have built in my life.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 Alberton
Dorel & Karen
“The course was very nice and I enjoyed working with the dogs. I had a lot fun with the group and the instructors making jokes whilst teaching us. I was very nervous when I had to write the first test but the way Miss Christine spoke to me and encouraged me made me feel better and I actually passed and learnt that I can do this. Thank you very much, and thank you for being so understanding and accommodating.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 KZN
It was the best experience I have ever had. It built my self-confidence and taught me to be the best I can be Christine is very good at getting you to think and Chris is very funny. Altwee is baie goed met wat hulle doen.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 Roodepoort
Well done! I feel like we are all part of the SADTC family!
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 Kyalami
Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 India
I bitterly regret missing levels 2 and 3 this month. I tried hard but visa and travel are tough given the mandatory quarantine. With the vaccine making good progress, I have a feeling things will ease out by September. I’m eagerly waiting to return for levels 2, 3 and even 4 that you had said you wanted to do that covered therapy and service dogs.
My last trip to SADTC has reignited and encouraged my old desire to acquire education. So as not to waste any time, and make better use of the time available, I registered for basic and advanced courses with Ethology Academy that you had suggested. Being an only course, it just makes it easier to study without needing to travel.
I’ve been doing private sessions with families and their dogs and it’s helping me stay afloat and take care of my family.
Hope you and Chris, and all at home too, are fine. See you soon.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 India
The courses were a lot of fun and very interesting. Definitely will recommend to more people. Best decision I have every made.
Level 1: I have learned so much in such a short time and I will be forever grateful. This course has opened my eyes to the dog world and it is the best ever. Chris and Christine are amazing people and I am looking forward to learn more from them.
Level 2: It was very interesting to see and work with different behaviours. It was incredible to see how a little time can change so much for a dog and deal with the behaviour. Some of the lessons in this course are some I will never forget.
Level 3: Chris and Christine showed me that it is never too late to train a dog and to help them out. I have always know that dogs are special and amazing animals, but in this course I learned how truly amazing they are. I have gain not only knowledge, but a family as well.
Really enjoyed the courses and definitely want to continue with more courses. Whenever I am in Joburg I will visit, no matter what.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 Plettenberg Bay
The gift was just a small token of appreciation for the amazing work that you guys have been and are doing and for how you’ve changed my sisters life in so many ways.
Karen is eager to get back to her dogs and start working with them. I will definitely keep you updated on her progress and visit whenever we are in the area.
Thank you once again for everything. I do hope I will be with you guys again next year.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 KZN
I have learnt even more than I expected I would with both myself and the “dog world.”
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 Boskruin
Instructor Course Level 1 March 2020
Hi Christine
I just want to inform you all, Mpilo is very happy at the training center, besides him saying so, I can just see it in his face.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Sky City
I think it was perfectly set out and the instructors were all very nice, informative, approachable and fun to work with.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Stellenbosch
I learned a great deal from SADTC, so glad I chose to come here, it was interesting & fun. Venue was 10 out of 10.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Klerksdorp
I enjoyed every day of this course and want to thank all of SADTC team for their patience and sharing of knowledge, you helped me overcome my fears, I look at dogs from a whole new point of view. I think what you do is amazing, you help so many dogs & people. Thank you for that, I will definitely miss all of you, and I will be back for more!
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Free State
Thank you for your patience.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Brits
Course is 10 out of 10, I can’t mention what was the best because everything was valuable. Venue is excellent, no improvements needed. I just have good comments because everything has been perfect.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Zimbabwe
Chris & Christine you are best, God Bless you! I enjoyed every lesson and practicals, it was a mind transforming experience.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Thaba ‘Nchu
Christine you are one hell of a woman! Chris says it like it is and I like that. I’ve learnt a lot from both of you – you will be my role models in the dog world!
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Rustenburg
Venue was suitable, someone is always cleaning and taking care of the dogs. Instructors always willing to help.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Henley on Klip
I would like to thank everybody on the course, students & instructors for a most enjoyable time, I will do further courses in the future. Instructors have a good sense of humour.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Pretoria
I loved everything about the course and will be back for more!
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Parkview
The course was suitable, I could put SA Dog Training College on TV!
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Albertsdal
I appreciate the learning & the coaching I received from various instructors – not to mention the experience showed by Oom (Chris,) and Tannie (Christine,) it is invaluable. All instructors were excellent, good coaching skills, good communication skills and treated me with respect. Topics exceeded my expectations.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Glenanda
Please do not retire before I have done levels 2, 3 & 4! Level 1 is an excellent course, you learn so much and come back to earth to realise how stupid humans can be.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Dwaalboom
Everything I learnt here was a major eye opener and I feel very empowered as a person belonging to the dog world. The venue is perfect, and helps with learning as the atmosphere does not stress us.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course India
Theresa, James & Amy-Jean
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with students that have a passion for animals. The time spent listening and learning through your lessons Amy will always hold dear.
To Chris and your daughter, Amy will always remember you and appreciate all you taught her. She enjoyed all the lessons and work she did with the dogs. She could not stop talking about you all. She will always hold this adventure close to her heart. Your love and knowledge of dogs kept Amy in awe. She has learnt and experienced so much in only 2 weeks. Her love for dogs has definitely deepened, thanks to your passion. I do not doubt she will be practising all this at home with all our 9 beloved dogs.
God Bless you all for your love and kindness you show to your students.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Cape Town
I went to a farm close to Belfast where the woman has a riding school, she has got a German shepherd that bites the horses, so I went there and took him to the camp where they walk with the horses I first started walking the dog outside the camp. I gradually progressed so that he was not lunging at the horses, and eventually had him lying . I am going to work with him again next week.
Now my highlight was yesterday, I was so amazed myself and the owners mouth dropped open after I worked with her dogs.
The lady is a doctor her husband is a farmer and they have a son who is 2. They have a Duchie and rescued a German Shepherd and yesterday I worked with the dogs. I taught her what to do and also did behaviour shaping with the dogs.
She sent me a message late afternoon and told me it is going so good there is quietness in the house for the first time since they got back. they did not have an incident since yesterday before I got there. So with all of this happening i want to study further.
With my own dogs I have also got breakthrough, they don’t jump on us anymore, and my one female struggles with retrieve so Sunday I took 2 of them to the dam and Ii threw the dumbbell for them and they brought it back for me we played like that for a bit. Yesterday when I threw a ball for her she brought it back to me, it was a wonderful feeling.
The 2 that were fighting have also improved.
I am so grateful for all the knowledge that I have learned from you, thank you for helping me, your course has changed my live forever.
Training type: Dog Training Belfast
Thank you for the privilege that was granted to me to attend the Instructor Course Level 1 training. It opened a totally new world. Wow what an experience it was the best past two weeks, which I never could have spent my time and energy better at any other place than at SADTC. You opened my eyes and with this said, I do not look at dogs as a dog that is standing there but rather as a personality standing there. I see them in a totally new light, thanks to you.
Chris and Christine, I couldn’t have had any better lecturers than you guys. You made every moment worthwhile from start to finish. I thank you for the best course I have ever attended in my whole life. Romayne, I thank you for all your patience and assistance whenever I wanted or needed assistance from you. You all made me feel welcome from the moment I set foot at your doorstep. Hope that I will be able to enroll for level 2 and 3 next year, I would never want to miss it for the world.
Keep up the good work, your name is well known to be the best.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 Alberton
It’s been really great i have worked 4 klasses now ranging from puppy klas to BHO and the improvement is phenomenal on the dogs and the people . Thank you chris and christine for the training . I really appreciate it .
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 1 Heidelberg
I do hope that you are keeping well.
Since attending Level 1 in 2018 my passion has just grown and my interests have led me into understanding animal behavior. I am now a Certified Animal Behaviourist CertCAB via COAPE and currently working towards my 2 year diploma.
Have also done First Aid for Dogs (not much good at that….)
What an awesome life. The stroke I had was not the end, but the beginning.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Cape Town
Hi Christine
I just want to inform you all, Mpilo is very happy at the training center, besides him saying so, I can just see it in his face.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Sky City
In 2013 I became the proud mommy of a beautiful German shepherd boy, Ace, and we started training at another club. I had so many problems at the previous club with the way they trained, the methods they used and poor socialisation of the dogs that I decided I owe it to my boy to get the proper training he needed.
In July 2013 Ace and I started our journey with SADTC. He was so scared and my first lesson all I did was to hang on to his leash for dear life – he just wanted to go back to the car and was not interested in any training. Luckily we ended up with Biata as our instructor and with lots of love and patience (and even more treats), we started seeing progress! Sadly, I lost my boy to bloat but I am forever grateful for him and all our beautiful memories.
May 2017 my life was turned upside down with the most gorgeous little German shepherd girl named Psoli (pronounced Sou-lee). I cannot begin to describe the impact this girl had on my life! She gives me unconditional love, follows me around like a shadow, loves to pose for photos but is also as naughty as sin! She is in love with 2 beautiful Dobermans (Naxos and Knox) and Nyx is her best friend.
Psoli is a busy girl and she gets up very (very!) early in the mornings. She will lick and bully me until I get up just after 4am to play ball outside.
She has two 9 year old Jack Russell sisters at home but they are not interested in playing with her anymore and hence the decision to adopt a friend to play with. So watch this space … we will introduce her new brother soon!
I went through a very tough time in 2017 when my husband passed away and this little girl gave me so much love and comfort during the worst time of my life and helped to heal my soul. I would not have survived without the love and affection of my fur-baby. I love her so much and will forever be grateful because I have her in my life (and I also spoil her rotten!).
When I started training, I was so impress with SADTC that I enrolled for the instructor course and that changed my life! Chris, Christine and Biata are always willing to share knowledge and to help where needed, no matter how big or small the problem is.
Saturday is officially my favourite day of the week and I usually come with a big bag of treats for the dogs. At SADTC you not only train your dog but you become part of the family and I have made friends for life!
Kind regards
Training type: Dog Training Daleside
Sherri & Lexi
Lexi came into my life when I was going through a very difficult time. I bonded with her the moment I saw her picture.
When she was about 6 months old, I met my amazing partner and we decided to move in together shortly afterwards, but we were apprehensive because he had 6 cats. We decided to seek out a dog behaviorist and sadly 3 different behaviorists told us that she would never be able to be around the cats without chasing and hurting them.
I wasn’t prepared to give up hope though, so we tried an obedience school in Sandton and although we weren’t very happy we still continued trying.
A few weeks into her training I saw a Facebook post about the instructors course at SADTC and figured that if I went for the course I would be able to learn how to train Lexi myself. So I registered for the course and boy was I amazed!
When I first met Christine, Chris & Biata and started the course, I was in awe of their skills. They used methods that were uniquely special to SADTC and it was clear from day one that their 40+ years of experience aren’t without merit.
Everyone at SADTC was kind and understanding. The instructors and other students all help and care for each other in ways you wont find anywhere else.
SADTC became family from then on.
Lexi is a completely different dog now: She is calm and gets along with our cats so well and that’s all because SADTC never gave up on us. SADTC has become a huge part of our lives and even though we achieved our goal of integrating our animals we keep going back every week because we love training and we learn something new every week.
Christine pushes both Lexi and I to achieve things we never thought were possible and we have become a stronger team & family because of the SADTC family. SADTC is not just a club; it’s a place we can call home.
Training type: Dog Training Sandton
Marietjie did our instructor courses and taught in Pakistan, and made great headway for the legislation for animal rights etc.
Chris Vd Westhuizen thanks for all the knowledge gained through you & Christine @SA Dog Training College! One of the best ‘investments’ in my life!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Pretoria
I loved Level 1. I am so excited to do Levels 2 & 3. I am staying within the SADTC family, you are all perfect!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Pretoria East
I felt cared for and important in the course. I am assured that we were taught the right methods by seeing how important the dogs were to you. You are role models of instructors and also of neighbours. I feel privileged to have done this course.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Sandton
I enjoyed the agility and the obedience has actually moved me as a person.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Zambia
Thank you for everything. I give the course 10 out of 10.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Bethlehem
I really enjoyed the course. I was very nervous, but the people and you guys are amazing trainers and instructors. You brought the talkative person out of me.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 KwaZulu Natal
This course was a fantastic insight into the dog world as a whole, no doubt it will be much appreciated in my journey into my career. Thank you so much!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Zimbabwe
Instructors are all awesome people.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Bloemfontein
Everything was good, just time was short.
Training type: Dog Training Malawi
This course was a fantastic insight into the dog world as a whole, no doubt it will be much appreciated in my journey into my career. Thank you so much!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Goodwood, Western Cape
Hi Christine,
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the course and that I really do appreciate all the support and kindness that you, Chris and Biata have shown me. I am confident the course was well worth it.
I hope to see you again soon.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Zimbabwe
I had the immense privilege to be taught by amazing instructors for the Level 1 Instructors course, especially Chris, Christine, Biata and Romayne. Not only are they mentors to admire and aspire to become, they are caring and opened there hearts to include us as a family! Always keeping the best interest of the dogs in mind they are brilliant in reading behaviour and have opened my eyes to a whole new language!
Thank you for your patience and for passing on knowledge that goes beyond just training! We learnt about aggression, fear, therapy, handling and instructing. We even go to experience a bite in Protection work.
I look forward to bringing my dogs for training as I know that it’s about the love for dogs that matter to SADTC.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Sandton
Hi Chris and Christine
I am eventually back in Swaziland, my fur babies were very happy to see me.
Thank you once again for all the knowledge you shared with me, I know I will definitely benefit from what you have taught me.
I am starting with my own dogs, and then I will try and get something going in Swaziland regarding Basic Obedience.
Hope level 2 and 3 go well, I will hopefully get to do them next year.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Swaziland
Hi Christine,
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the course and that I really do appreciate all the support and kindness that you, Chris and Biata have shown me. I am confident the course was well worth it.
I hope to see you again soon.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Bloemfontein
Hi Christine,
My intention is to write an email of thanks to you and your lovely family, so this is just a quick note to say Thank you for all you have done for Japhet, and me as all our dogs will be benefiting from what he has learnt.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 C.H.A.R.M
Dear Christine and Chris
Once again thank you so much for the course, it was a wonderful learning experience! I have been to the doctor – all is good and baby is busy growing like crazy – thank you for looking after the both of us we so appreciate it!
Wish you and the team at S.A.D.T.C all the best and I’m sure we will see you again!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Harare, Swaziland
Training of a Deaf Labrador – John
The training with Sandra has been very beneficial and my dog (Sam) is working very well.
I thank you all very much for all your assistance with a special thanks to Sandra, especially as my dog is deaf.
Kind regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 Brackenhurst
We adopted Chilli Dogg one day unexpectedly from the SPCA. When we first saw him, he was covered in mange, he could hardly stand, let alone walk as he had no muscles in his back legs. We made up our minds there and then that we couldn’t leave without him.
We brought him up as best we could (with the limited knowledge that we had) but his previous traumatic experiences affected him in a huge way.
He was extremely nervous of men. He avoided every uneasy situation. He used to eat stones to give the illusion that his “stomach was full”.
I did the Level 1 Instructors Course. WOW. I learnt so much. My mind was blown by how all of a sudden I started understanding Chilli so much more.
On Level 2 and 3 we were allowed to bring our dogs. Chilli was so nervous. New smells, new people, new dogs. It was all so overwhelming that he threw up everywhere.
We struggled for the first few days to get him to approach anyone but we persevered and we made it to the end of Level 3 (with a little help from me crawling through the mattress to give Chilli the confidence to do it).
Straight after, I enrolled him at SADTC as we couldn’t get enough. I couldn’t get over how his personality was changing. He was going up to a few people to get scratches and treats. He was understanding what I wanted from him.
After enrolling him in bite work, he became a new dog. He had this new found confidence. He realises he no longer has to be scared of people, even big scary men. He now defends instead of hiding behind me.
Now he walks up to everyone, demands scratches and if they stop scratching, he nudges for more scratches.
It’s been nearly 2 years that Chilli and I have been at SADTC and I am so proud of what we have accomplished and we still have so much more to still look forward to.
I will forever be grateful to SADTC! They have changed our lives like I never thought possible. I trust Chilli with all of me and I know he feels the same.
The bond we share is truly one of a kind. BEST dog in town!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 KwaZulu Natal
Jerry (SARAC) completed our Level 1 (SADTC sponsored) & level 2 (member sponsored) instructor courses and has done so much good for the animals. We are proud to be associated with him and SARAC and congratulate him on all the awards he has achieved, the latest one winning the Premier Awards ie SADC 2019, CEO GLOBAL, Pan African Awards.
From Jerry:
Good Morning Christine
Hope all is well with you
Yes we are overwhelmed on winning the Premier Awards ie SADC 2019, CEO GLOBAL, Pan African Awards.
It is because people like you that we are where we are today, I am forever grateful that our path has crossed.
Kind Regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 & 2
Thank you friend. I always say that things changed for me when I attended level 1 course with you guys. You have the ability to create the best result in people.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class KwaZulu-Natal Level 1
Good Afternoon Chris and Christine
First I must say your knowledge of the canine world theory and practical was phenomenal, absolutely amazing, and inspiring.
Ive learned so much of the canine world that I don’t know where to begin telling others about this.
Level one instructors cause has shown me a whole new approach towards our canine friends that I’m able to understand how they think and work.
Im still putting all the techniques and skills into training at home. Its also helped me carry on with my training with Midnight from when Ii first brought him in for training as it all refreshend my mind on how its all done in the correct way.
Ive had family members asking me to come train their dogs and asking for advice that im so excited and anxcious to start teaching them the wright ways.
Im looking forward to learning so much more from SADTC’s knowledge. Unfortunately cant mention them cause there just so much to remember.
Keep up with the good work and continue training and teaching others. This course has inspired me so much that i want to get out and teach kids in schools from a young age how to handle animals and how important hygiene is, in the long run, to me i think thats a good place to start.
Kind Regards
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Klipriver Level 1
Thank you to SADTC for being my support over the years.
Claude – Owner and Specialized k9 Trainer at SWIFT K9 SERVICES
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Durban Level 1
Good morning Chris, Christine and Biata
I waited for a year for my turn to attend the Instructor course, and it certainly exceeded my expectations. There was a perfect balance of theory and practical lessons which ensures an all-round and holistic understanding of the course content.
In an age where competition for business and intellectual property is so cut-throat, I realize the true honor of being be trained by the leaders in the industry. SADTC genuinely put the dog’s lives first, which is proven in the fact that you so readily share your knowledge. I am super proud to be a guardian of your legacy. I am now, and will always be, a brand-ambassador for the life-work of the SADTC family.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Henley-on-Klip Level 1
Hi Chris I hope you are well.
Good evening, I am arrived in Madagascar, little bit tired but I’m ok, thank you for all, it was a very amazing experience for me and it is because of all of you, Thank you Chris, Christine, Biata and Ayla, I hope that I will come back very soon, Thank you, I will teach my dog and always send news to you, be blessed.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Madagascar Level 1
Hi Christine
I loved being with everyone on the course! I miss it so much. Loved being between like-minded people. Would love to be part of the 2nd and 3rd course. I do hope our plans line up to be back in time for that and that there is still space for me.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Rangeview Level 1
Hi Chris & Christine,
Being back home is great, it’s amazing how you realise how the course changed me and my outlook on life.
I can’t wait for level 2 and 3.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Strydfontein Level 1
Hi Chris I hope you are well.
The course was absolutely amazing it has really changed my life and I am so sad that I do not stay closer so I could be there more often. Your teaching methods were great and flexible which helped me a lot and tied in well with the practical side of the course. Christine is amazing I learnt so much from her in such a short time and I am sad our course has ended. Now that I have seen that side to life I am struggling to adapt back to the other side of life. All together I think you two have put a lot of effort and time into the courses you hold and its definitely appreciated and worth it. It is very well rounded and beneficial. You guys really do feel like family to us and I am grateful for all your help thank you very much and keep well.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class East London Level 1
Dear Chris
The course has exceeded by far my expectations. The course content (theory and practical) that are covered is intense but super interesting and I have learnt so much in a short amount of time. You, Christine and Biata are excellent and don’t mind spending extra time to explain something more then once. Although we are a fair amount of learners your also managing to give us all individual attention and support. Thank you. In short the course has change my life.
Change the way I think and interact with dogs. It feels that I think more like a dog now,were two weeks ago I was the a%#hole at the end of the leash(like you say). I must still learn a lot and will with you. You will come highly recommended by me, to everyone that loves dogs and have heart.
Kind Regards
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Pretoria Level 1
Coming here was a spur of the moment decision after months of researching and putting it off. With the benefit of hind sight I now truly believe this is where I was destined to be.
I want to thank you and Christine for the dedication and love you are showing towards animals (and people), you are such an inspiration and true beacons of hope.
This course has made me love dogs much more than I ever thought would be possible, it has opened a new door into a new world full of new adventures, it also opened my eyes to the fact that somewhere in life I lost myself but at the same time I realised who I want to be and I know that once I leave here I will be a new happier version of me.
I can’t describe how much respect I have for you and the only way I will ever be able to thank you for touching my heart and my life is by going out there and change the way people think about these lovely animals.
One thing you said that stuck was “you are the dogs last chance, if you mess up the dog will die” I decided that if I am the only hope I will never give up, as long as you have hope, love and patience all is not lost and quitting is not an option the reward of a happy dog is worth it all.
I want to wish you only the best and I hope that many more will be touched in the way I was touched, you will forever be a part of me.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Strydfontein Level 1
I love everything about SADTC and feel very privileged to be close by so I can come and train and gain experience from the team. It motivated me seeing you guys in action.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Strydfontein Level 1
I was very impressed, and saw the different ways of teaching.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class East London Level 1
I love the passion, the course was very instructive and instructors very professional.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Madagascar Level 1
The lecturers were very professional, and the differences between them was very helpful.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Klerksdorp Level 1
I loved every minute, and enjoyed the family dynamics.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Henley-on-Klip Level 1
Chris & Christine are amazing presenters.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Alberton Level 1
Instructor Course Level 1 March 2019
Rapelang Moso Litabes
Hi, this is Rapelang Moso Litabes brother, we have recently opened a dog training school and we are achieving great success at the homes we consulted, I would personally like to thank you for the training you equipped my brother with, I already knew enough about dogs but he broadened my knowledge and experience.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Lesotho Level 1
Hello Chris and Family!!
Marcella here I was a part of your level 1 course that happened in September. I’m now working from home so I’ve been busy working with my own dogs! So far so good! I’ve already got family and friends asking me to come work with their dogs so that’s good.
I’m also very keen to join the level 2 and 3 course so I’m going to be saving up this year for that.
Hope you and your family are well and just know I’m still very grateful for all you guys taught me in the level one course.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class Level 1
Hi Shaun
I completed the Level 1 Instructor Course end August and I can assure you it was an eye opener! The more I “thought” I knew about dog training the less I realized how much I actually knew- and put into practice. The first thing I did when I returned home was to apologise to my 3 German Shepherds!
I am currently running 2 classes on Wednesday but the dogs are quite young- mostly under a year and owners only looking for basic obedience- they will all be doing their CGC Bronze in November.
If you are looking to both becoming a dog trainer instructor- and understanding dogs in general I would urge you to attend Level 1. I have already booked my slot for 2 and 3 next year.
The theory as well as practical experience you gain is something you can only grow with, it really was a life changing experience.
Even now if I have a question I know that I can approach Chris, Christine or Biata and they are always more than happy to assist/ guide.
I do hope that I have given you food for thought and answered some of your questions.
Training type: Dog Instructor Classes Western Cape | Dog Instructor Course Western Cape Level 1
Great people doing awesome work assisting owners to get the best out of their dogs. Our lives have changed drastically since we did the training. Such wonderful people doing such a wonderful job. Thank you Chris and Christine you are awesome.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Polokwane | Dog Instructor Class Polokwane Level 1
Very good facility totally focused on all the aspects of dog training.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Bedfordview | Dog Instructor Class Bedfordview Level 1
SADTC is “real life” dog training, real dogs with different behavioural challenges being patiently modified by changing the way the dog thinks. Excellent protection training, Because of the extremely qualified trainers working both dog and its owner.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Tanzania | Dog Instructor Course Tanzania Level 1
Good Day
Although quite verbal at the awards evening I didn’t express enough my thanks for the 2 weeks of Level 1. It is very true that I am not sure that I can be away from my amazing husband, Andre for so long again but seeing the wonderful relationship between yourself and Christine definitely made it easier.
There are a few things I will never forget and the first is that you can always teach an old dog new tricks. Here I am referring to myself. I did a job, got paid and went home day after day and year after year. It was only after I had my stroke (and was told I would not walk again) that I decided to follow my heart. After the stroke I am prone to panic attacks but for the entire time I was training with you I never had one!
I tried to “hide” the nutty side of my personality but I think you saw right into (not through) me with the man work – thank you for letting me be me. The course did not only meet my expectations but exceed them. Thank you. I have already apologized to my dogs for not thinking like a dog.
Christine, I would like to thank you, for explaining what we were doing and why. Your patience but at the same time, inner strength is a true blessing. Chris, your passion and dedication is astounding. I have heard you referred to as the best puppy teacher. This I now know is true but watching you teach you are a role model for all dog owners. Biata is that one person who crosses your path and leaves a stamp on your soul. I have said it before but she is the best of both you and Christine with a ‘something’ extra.
Thank you for opening a new door in this journey of life.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Western Cape | Dog Instructor Class Western Cape Level 1
Dear Chris and Christine,
I cannot believe it has already been a week since I finalised the course with you. I have been apologising to my dogs for my many mistakes and am working with them every day. I wanted to just thank you again for a really great experience. I have learnt so much. I will be back for level 2 & 3 and already look forward to that.
I wanted to also thank Romayne. She is quietly behind the scenes and has been absolutely wonderful to me. Lastly Biata – you have been such an inspiration too, I wish I had spent more time with you but maybe next time.
That all for now – lots of thanks and praise – you are all very special people and I am happy our paths have crossed.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Tanzania | Dog Instructor Class Tanzania Level 1
Morning, thank you for the knowledge I gained in your school about dogs and their behaviour my dogs are different now within these few weeks from SADTC and we doing very well because I never thought grown dogs knowing nothing can learn basic obedience.
Now I’m in a process of my kennel club and dogs training school.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Lesotho | Dog Instructor Class Lesotho Level 1
Hi Christine
We are home safely. I just wanted to thank both of you again for everything you did for P… He’s had to deal with a lot and was really on the verge of giving up before he met you guys. You’ve given him a shot and a way to live his dream. I’ll always be grateful to you. We’ll speak again soon.
Kind regards.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course North-West | Dog Instructor Course North-West Level 1
Instructor Course Level 1 September 2017
Many thanks for a great Instructors Course.
The two weeks spent with you as stated by one of the other students, “this was not just another dog training course”.
All the information that you supplied on the course will be very helpful in the days to come, as a reference book and a guide to solving any problems and difficult challenges with people and their dogs.
As stated during the course I intend using the course material, and the practical knowledge obtained, to encourage people to enjoy their dogs (disciplined in obedience and trained) so that the puppy and/or dog will not just be given away or put down.
The CD that I received is out of this world, the information on it must have taken many hours of hard work putting it together, thanks very much.
Once again thanks for all your help and patience.
Kind regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Norwood | Dog Instructor Course Norwood Level 1
Hi Christine,
Ek mis julle en die training baie wens ek kon ook elke week daar wees om saam met julle te train. Dit was baie sleg om weer te begin werk al wat ek kon aan dink is die honde, die sadtc club en al die vriendelike mense daar.
Het n paar aande gedroom hoe ek march en about turns en left turns oeffen. Wens ek kan eerder net met honde werk, maar ek sal nog daar kom eendag.
Stuur groette daar vir almal.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Bronkhorstspruit | Dog Instructor Course Bronkhorstspruit Level 1
I’m doing fantastic. My pet sitting business did amazing this year and the clients asked me to work with their dogs a bit as a trail run for training as well. And they all want to continue with training when they came back and saw the results. I also worked with some dogs who had behaviour problems and the people were so thankful and impressed with the results when they got back they even gave me a bonus. It’s so amazing because all of the new clients now are referrals from those clients I had over nov-jan.
My parents got me a great canon camera for Christmas for many reasons. One being that I want to bring pet photography into the business one day when I have some more experience. My dad’s the expert photographer so he will mentor me and I will take some courses. But I made calendar for my clients with a few photos of their pets on which I took while I was looking after them. The training school will start when my partner returns from holiday. But I’m still taking on private consultations.
Training type: Dog Instructor Classes Rustenburg | Dog Instructor Classes Rustenburg Level 1
I am starting my classes on Sat 12 and on the 22nd I will have a third class starting with 5 new dogs so that will be 3 classes on a Sat. All 14 people have taken another month which is great, I must be doing something right. We have fun but think I must get a bit harder as i would like us to all go to The Cape Handlers Association when they have a day open to clubs. I don’t want to look like a idiot and should expect the best from them so I should give my best. So from now on 80% hard work and 20% fun.
I am also seeing a few people who don’t want classes just home obedience and lead training which is very enjoyable. I think the fact that I am not emotionally attached to the dog that I am training helps me get much more out of the dog than I do with my own. Hope all well on your side and hello to all. Many thanks
Training type: Dog Instructor Courses Cape Town | Dog Instructor Courses Cape Town Level 1
I met up with Colin this morning, he is assisting me with the rehab of a foster dog I have taken in. She is a beauty. She was hit and dragged a distance under a car when she was younger, so her pelvis was shattered and she has only ever spent her life (1 year old) in the vet`s hospital centre, where she is currently looking for a new home. She also hasn’t been exposed to leash training and prior to this morning with Colin, she didn’t want to walk on the tar roads. He has only good things to say about your course and if I thought I was excited before this, now I am super excited!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course America | Dog Instructor Course America Level 1
Nadine & Logan
Dear Chris & Christine
No words can ever describe how profound this course was to me. You were right when you told us the first evening that this will not only teach us about dogs, but also about humans and ourselves. It has made my love for dogs so much stronger and given me hope again. For the first time in my life I really feel like I have achieved something. It has renewed my faith in me and my abilities and taught me things about myself that I never even knew. And for that I will be forever thankful. Meeting “dog people” has shown me that there are still good people in this world. And at a time in my life when things were tough, I met a group of people who walked straight into my heart.
I honestly have never met 2 people as passionate about something they love and do. To Christine, thank you for all the support and motivation, inspiration and pushing us to be the best we can be. To Chris, thank you for sharing your abundant amount of knowledge and wisdom. And yes SOMETIMES “harder is better/easier”. Thinking like a dog has changed my view about the world so much and things make so much more sense now. However I do think that you should make it a requirement that the students should be able to differentiate between left and right. If not, do list it as an advantage that by the end of the course they will be able to. I certainly can now.
To Biata and Darryl, thanks for all the laughs. I hope that you will continue your parent’s amazing work for many years to come as I can see that love for the dogs in you too. And Darrel, next time have some mercy on the poor instructors to be. To the other instructors at SADTC, it was a pleasure to meet you and inspiring to see what the products are of Chris and Christine’s work in terms of instructor training.
I cannot stop telling people what an amazing experience it was for me. I will treasure all the moments forever. It definitely was hard work but every bit of it was worth it. I love challenges and this certainly was a challenge.
I have always been a dog lover and have been passionate about working with them. But now I am in awe of them and their world. I will definitely be looking forward to the advanced course and intend to drop by when I can to say hi.
So what from here? Well, I guess it’s one letter of the alphabet at a time. But Z would be to make a difference in this world not only to the dogs but to people through the dogs because they can do it so much better than we humans can ever wish to do it. This course was yet again proof of how dogs changed my life. I see it every day when I look in Logan’s eyes too.
I will continue to refer people to you guys and spread the word of what you guys and the dogs can do in their lives.
Thanx so much again. I hope all is well there and that I will see you guys soon as I am already missing you. May God bless you, because you and the dogs were a blessing to me.
Nadine and Logan
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Rustenburg | Dog Instructor Class Rustenburg Level 1 | Dog Instructor Class Rustenburg for New Dog Trainers
Hi Christine,
I am so excited, I have 4 Labradors in training, had their second session this week. I have to do it a bit different, I go to the peoples home and do the training there. Another lady phoned me with 2 pointer pups and a weimerana 1 year old.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Witbank | Dog Instructor Class Witbank Level 1
Hi Christine
Thanks for the lead. Was with the Rottie on Sat. Went well. He is very dominant, but I got him sitting and down in a couple of min. They are taking 6 sessions of home obedience. Also had appointment with Cocker rescue, beautiful dog, got him nice and calm at the gate, opened it and walked him out.
Owner impressed. I am not joking but she said the dog must think i am God as he was being so good. They also taking 6 sessions. They had taken him to (name withheld,) and they could not control him in class.
Told that he is too loud and out of control. Will be quite funny when he goes back in 4 weeks’ time and he is no problem. It is so amazing how well the methods that you guys taught us work, but i have realised that it is all about attitude and reading the dogs behaviour. I am having such fun. Thanks again and chat soon. Love to all
Training type: Dog Instructor Classes Cape Town | Dog Instructor Course Botswana Level 1
Hi Christine,
Thank you for the referral, he did contact me and is going to call early in January to organise joining a class.
My current Saturday class is going very well, I have a 2 year old lab who pulls his mum off her feet etc, we have been going 3 weeks now and he has already settled, she said her husband can’t believe the change in him. I am thrilled at this! Its been fun and a good intro to the real world I think.
I hope you and the family are all well, please send my regards.
Kind regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Diepsloot | Dog Instructor Course Diepsloot Level 1
Hi Christine
Thanks again for everything you and Chris have taught us, it will never be forgotten. See you soon.
Best regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Little Falls | Dog Instructor Course Little Falls Level 1
Hi Christine
Once again thank you for everything. Words can’t express my gratitude for everything you and Chris have done to help me.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Alberton | Dog Instructor Course Alberton Level 1
Hi Christine,
I first want to thank you because of your efforts I got someone who’s going to help me with training shila we need more people like you guys who care in this world thank you from the bottom of my heart may God bless you.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Hazeldene | Dog Instructor Course Hazeldene Level 1
Hi there,
I hope you are all well,
I’ve hit the ground running at work and already have 2 bookings for my first class.
I will be starting classes in Centurion on a Saturday morning at 10.30, our first class will be Saturday 29th September.
Thank you so much for everything I am so excited to be going forward into this.
I spoke to Tiva’s owner as well on Tuesday and she said she was will call me in a couple of weeks, and said that Tiva is doing well.
Will keep in touch, thanks again and hi to the family.
Kind regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Centurion Level 1 | Dog Instructor Course Botswana Level 1
I really feel like a Jedi Knight about to take on the evil Empire and their vast armies of wrongly trained instructors and untrained owners.
On a serious note I would just like to say a most humble thank you to the both of you for the most wonderful life changing experience. Busy with name and have spoken to mate in the UK who is going to design my web page and help me with a flyer to advertise at the vets etc. Very excited to get going, thank you.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Cape Town | Dog Instructor Class Cape Town Level 1
This dog instructor course was the best!
See you next year in October 2013 for the Novice course (is this right?). It’s the next level as I understand.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Midrand | Dog Instructor Course Midrand Level 1
Well Done all fellow students! It was time well spent! Thank you Christine and Chris for sharing your knowledge with us and all those who participated. Will see you soon!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Witbank | Dog Instructor Course Witbank Level 1
Well done to all the student instructors!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Alberton Gauteng | Dog Instructor Course Alberton Gauteng Level 1
Congrats to all the fellow students and our fantastic instructors for an amazing course!!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Rustenburg | Dog Instructor Course Rustenburg Level 1
Michael completed the Dog Instructor Course with us, and is doing very well in Nigeria.
Training type: Dog Instructor Classes Nigeria | Dog Instructor Classes Nigeria Level 1
Howzit from raining Cape Town
Thanks for the response last night i was on such a high. It all went well and i think i got all the info i need to help them. They have agreed to training with the intention to carry on indefinitely. Very interestingly one of the dogs has a serious case of Coprophagia.
They were very impressed and I felt very good. Thanks. The dog chews at peoples feet, jumps and barks. They said he would do this for hours at a time. Not even 5 min while we were talking and me watching and working with him, he lay down and slept. It works.
They both want classes at home and I have agreed as they live within 3 min of me but we will all meet for a class or two later as i get more clients for distractions and socialization. They both starting next week Thurs and i should be seeing another client on weekend whose dog has separation anxiety.
Thanks for the support
Many thanks
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Cape Town | Dog Instructor Course Cape Town Level 1
I have nothing but GREAT things to say about the Instructors Course – I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed! The information provided is astounding – everything you have ever wanted to know (theory and practical application), and much, much more, is covered in the Course! Chris and Christine have a lifetime of knowledge in this field and they will always be there to help you and push you to strive further! They will never undermine your ideas or embarrass you in any way – they are open-minded, love to think out of the box, and fun to be around and learn from!
I have been a handler at SADTC for almost 9 years – my mom and I have been training our two adorable X-breeds (Charlie and Rose) there since they were 6 months old! They loooove going to training – they get us out of bed at 6am every Saturday morning (even in winter)! I completed the Instructors last year March, and have been an Instructor at SADTC since last year April, and I am addicted to it! Dog training is what keeps me going – without it I would be a very miserable person.
I studied to be a Zoologist, but if I knew then what I know now, I would never have gone to University, I would have made working with dogs (and a few other animals too) my full time career! So, if you have a passion for working with dogs you will not make a mistake by doing the Course!
Warmest regards,
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Fairlands | Dog Instructor Class Fairlands Level 1
I just want to let you know that I agree with you that you have the best Instructors. I really learnt a lot from Simone and Mark while being a handler with them. Elaine has taught me a tremendous lot while I was assisting her. I also learn new things every time I am at SADTC just from watching Instructors like you, John and Oom Johan. Now that I am a handler in the puppy class with Chris I also learn so much more.
I know that every now and then we encounter bumps in the road but I would like to congratulate you guys on the absolute stunning job you are doing with and for the dogs out there and want to encourage you to keep going strong.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Newlands | Dog Instructor Class Newlands Level 1
Kursus gedoen Maart 2012
As ‘n Afrikaanse persoon van die Noord Kaap skryf ek die terugvoer verslag in Afrikaans.
Ek wil die personeel van die SADTC bedank vir ‘n wonderlike kursus. Dit is van Chris tot Oom Johannes. Vir die gasvryheid en vriendelikheid wat die personeel bied. Wat hulle ons van honde geleer het was wonderlik. Die kennis wat Chris en Christine vir ons oorgedra het kom van jare se ondervinding. Dit behels ook nie net die kennis van hond nie. Hulle leer jou ook om jouself te vind. Mens kom agter dat jy nederig en klein is in die lewe. Hulle leer jou ook mense kennis. Wat ek ook ondervind het is die hegte band van ‘n gelukkige en ondersteunende familie. Soos Chris heeldag sê. Hondemense bly nederig en opreg.+
Die instukteur kursus beveel ek ten sterkste aan. Enige persoon wat ‘n passie het vir honde en om dit ‘n lewenstyl wil maak, beveel ek aan om die kursus te doen. Die werk en opleiding is uiters professioneel. Die standaard is hoog en baie interesant. Ons het geleer en lekker gelag en die tyd geniet.
Magda se gastehuis beveel ek aan. Die kos is heerlik.
Dankie aan Chris en Christine. Julle is Wonderlike hondemense.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Kathu | Dog Instructor Course Kathu Level 1
Hey Chris and Christine!
How are you doing? Thanks again for a great course; it was a real confidence builder. I am making plans to put up kennels. Can’t wait!
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Bedfordview | Dog Instructor Class Bedfordview Level 1
Hi Chris & Christine,
As you might have read from my blog, to me the course is still very relevant and I feel that it is the best course that I have done so far. I took my time to visit several dog training grounds just to have a feel and see their training methods. I can assure you that SADTC is the best.
I have not opened any dog training centre at the moment, but I am training my own dogs and my friends’ dogs and the results have been wonderful. I have not added anything to my knowledge but all what you taught me at the college and so far so good.
The only thing that I have to do is to come for a refresher course or training and that will put me in a better position to then open my own dog training centre.
As far as what I learned at the college is concerned, I am happy and will gladly make recommendations where I feel something has to be changed or done in a different way.
Training type: Dog Instructor Courses Centurion | Dog Instructor Course Centurion Level 1
Hi Christine
It was an excellent course, value for money, much more than I initially expected. The exams were a surprise and made it more professional, and of course the practical’s were the best. When I tell everyone we wrote 4 exams, they were surprised and said, “So it’s quite serious”
Training type: Dog Instructor Classes Swaziland | Dog Instructor Classes Swaziland Level 1
Hi Christine,
Thank you so much to you and Chris for everything and mostly for your kindness. Coming over was the best decision I have ever made. I will keep in touch.
Regards to the SADTC gang
Kelly (Botswana)
Training type: Dog Instructor Classes Botswana | Dog Instructor Classes Botswana Level 1
Hi Guys & Girls,
It was good to meet all of you and some of the spouses. What I really love is to see how you guys are just so happy, keep it up!
A few words to express a big thank you for your understanding and it is humbling to meet people that find the time and humanity to care. I can assure you, that Jan only says the kindest, and also the funniest things about all of you, that includes the ‘Adams family’ and the Magda clan. The way all of you embraced him is truly something that shows the calibre of the human beings that you are.
My best wishes to all of you, I hope you will be blessed in the same way that you are a blessing to animals and your fellow man.
Kind regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Centurion | Dog Instructor Course Centurion Level 1
Good news is that Bonny is doing very well after the instructor’s course, in fact so well she has been to further training and she will be going to America – Ohio in June to go do some more. she says she got govt sponsorship. as far as training goes she says so far she is only working with her 10 or so dogs. Anyway, we are meeting tomorrow morning and going to chat a little bit and share what we can. I want to see her babies as well and I’ll go show her mine.
I am excited!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Gaberone | Dog Instructor Course Gaberone Level 1
Clinton & Ansunet
We (my wife and I) went to the SADTC with high expectations but were amazed by the level of instructing we received, firstly they care for the dogs and understand dogs to the point where it amazes one.
Atmosphere was relaxed and Christine (little Napoleon) goes out of her way to ensure every instructor understands what is needed and relates to each persons individual level so everybody understands what and why they are doing things.
Plenty of theory helps one see dog training more “holistically” and then the practical helps you relate to the theory in bringing it all together.
In short we went as strangers soon became good friends and later left as family, and our lives are richer for it
“Keep a short leash not a tight one,” still resounds in my ears – thanks Chris, many a handler is going to get sick of me repeating these exact words.
Kindest regards
Clinton and Ansunet
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Ellisras | Dog Instructor Course Ellisras Level 1
Hi Christine,
I spoke to Jan a bit earlier, he had a great day and was a real chatter box, and he loves the dog that has been allocated to him for tomorrow.
Once again, thank you so much for your intervention, insight, acceptance and empathy. Angels seem to come in many disguises. I think you have a great programme going! I admire your knowledge and insight
Let me tell you something, I think you have launched Jan towards his purpose in life.
Training type: Dog Instructor Classes Centurion | Dog Instructor Course Classes Level 1
I intend enrolling her at the South African Dog Training College as soon as all her inoculations are done. No trial by error here, I want her to be trained where I learned all that I know today as far as Dog training is concerned.
Training type: Dog Instructor Classes Benoni | Dog Instructor Classes Benoni Level 1
Well Eden Dog Training is going extremely well, we are ending off with a dog fun day-then closing till next year.
My first adult class consists of 2 German Shepherd, a pointer and a Labrador that is my evening class, well every handler started by being pulled all over, after 3 to 4 lessons there was a huge improvement.
All is going good and with 12 students and more enrolled for next year, I am learning fast
Training type: Dog Instructor Class George | Dog Instructor Class George Level 1
September 2011
Growing up from childhood having dogs which are not trained and still having the consistency of caring for pets, I must say, SADTC has given me more love to dogs than any other programs I watched on TV. I’ve never handled or trained with dogs until I registered for an Instructor course with SADTC. I’ve learnt what dog world entails and every dog owner I meet, I’m trying to coach or share my experience I received.
At the moment I preach about dogs to my friends and hope to educate them how to treat pets, not just only dogs. I’m considering starting a non-profit organisation in Mamelodi for all the dog lovers, to mostly, educate and demonstrate that a dog is man’s best friend.
Kind Regards,
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Mamelodi | Dog Instructor Course Mamelodi Level 1
Being at the SADTC and seeing what they do is just a positively overwhelming sight, but taking the actual instructors course with them, getting first-hand experience was for me priceless moments.
One thing is for certain, the more you learn about dogs, the more you want to learn and with Chris and Christine as your instructors you cannot go wrong. What I knew before I started on the course was the more you work with dogs the more experience you get. What I learned during this course and completing it, was extremely valuable to me.
I learned the more I work with the dogs the more I can learn from them. It taught me not just how to understand and help train them, but also how to apply as best as I can, their way of looking at life, into my way of looking at life; simple, uncomplicated, always forgiving and full of love.
Give Hugs to all
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Bredasdorp | Dog Instructor Course Bredasdorp Level 1
I just want to thank you opening a whole new world of opportunities for me. The instructor’s course was so much more than I expected. I loved every second of it. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and experience with me. I will definitely be back for the advanced course; I’m really excited about that. I have a very special place in my heart for the both of you; you really made me feel part of the family from the first second of meeting you.
Please send my regards to Oom Johan and his girl Luna, and big hugs to Misty, the gorgeous husky girl – I miss them so much. I joined in with the dog training club in my area (the lady is also Christine) and I love every second of it. I also had a job offer at a vet, but I’m not ready to give up the beach yet, but I’m sure something similar will come up in my area in the near future. South Africa is blessed to have warm, loving and inspiring mentors such as yourself and I’m sure that you will move many more mountains for dogs and dog lovers in the future!
All my love,
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Bluff KZN | Dog Instructor Course Bluff KZN Level 1
Hi Christine
How are you and the family? I am well and got loads of good news to share.
It was tough finding grounds, to start off, after much asking around a hotel in the center of town has given me the go ahead to use their grounds, and payment is minimum wow, so we have a bar, restaurant, loo facility and fenced off parking bay, etc to start training.
So in short my club is Eden Dog Training Club, as for the other club it has dwindled away completely with 2 ladies who have other commitments. But they still function. My old club in C.T have 2 fly ball boxes for me and are adding training manuals, they not using them, just little jumps needed.
Have 5 new puppies without advertising, so yaaa that’s me in a nut shell.
Loads of love
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Centurion | Dog Instructor Class Centurion Level 1
Hi Christine en Chris
Hoe gaan dit daar by julle, hier gaan dit baie goed. Ek wil net vir julle laat weet dat ek die kursus van September 2011 baie geniet het. Ek het so baie geleer by julle! Die kennis wat ek by julle gekry het het reeds handig te pas gekom. Honde wat ek afrig vorder alreeds baie goed. Baie dankie vir die geleentheid wat julle vir my gegee het en ek kan my drome laat waar word. Baie dankie vir julle gasvryheid ek sal julle nie vergeet nie.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Klerksdorp | Dog Instructor Course Klerksdorp Level 1
To SADTC September 2011 Dear Chris and Christine I want to thank you both for your input into my life; you have given me a new vision and inspired me to be a better person, handler and instructor. With your passion Christine there is no doubt that any of your students would fail, as you only know how to make people succeed, with their dogs and without.
Your no nonsense attitude gave me the courage to be able to say no when it is no, yes when it is yes and to be firm at all times. Your approach to all your members was one of seniority, patience and guidance. You were able to see the cracks in my life and began plastering it up, with determination and go for it attitude. You gave me confidence in my ability to instruct people with their dogs.
I miss hearing your voice, and miss your club, as they are amazing people in the dog world. You have a fabulous team. A team is only as strong as their leader. You both have a awesome sense of humor and the college would not be where it is today without you both Chris you wear no mask and call a spade a spade, people like you are hard to find. Your slogan think like a dog, will always repeat itself in my head. And people check your attitude, yip that’s right now you thinking like a dog.
There are few people who left foot prints on your heart forever they impacted you to be a better man, and gave you understanding into the dog world, which you shared with all your students, your generosity with your knowledge will go a long way to saving many of dogs.
I learnt a lot by listening to you, and appreciate your honesty and sound advice. Chris you have a special family who love you, always good to see, and encouraging for others The course was more than I expected, well worth every penny spent. Staying at Suikerbosch was a wonderful experience and a must for all students, there hospitality great food and altogether a good company was the cherry on top of the course The course was extremely intense hard work, and a great challenge. Thank you both once again
Ps. I am starting my own obedience dog school in my area thanks to S.A.D.T.C
Training type: Dog Instructor Course George | Dog Instructor Course George Level 1
Hi Christine,
Once again I would like to thank you and Chris for the stunning course. I’m much more observant when watching television with dogs in the program.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Gauteng | Dog Instructor Course Gauteng Level 1
I would do the course all over again, any time!!
I am really looking forward to the advanced course!!
Thanks again for all your effort.
Best regards
Daleen Van Aswegen
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Durban | Dog Instructor Course Durban Level 1
Ek wil net baie dankie se vir als wat julle gedoen het vir my in die 2weke daar. Dat jul ons gedruk het om net ons beste te gee. Ek kan nie glo dit is verby nie en wens ek dan terug kom. Dit was als die moeitewerd en sal graag weer ‘n draai wil kom maak. Ek kan nie wag vir die opvolg kurses nie, ek begin sommer nou as spaar. Ek het verskriklik baie geleer en se weer baie dankie vir al julle hulp, belangstelling en liefde.
Baie liefde
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Potchefstroom | Dog Instructor Course Potchefstroom Level 1
SADTC, based in South Africa, is THE Dog Training College! Although several other such institutions may exist, SADTC should ALWAYS be your first choice when deciding to either train (or board) your dog/dogs, or when considering a career in dog training!
Although I may have attended University (for more then a few years) and received a few degrees in Zoology, I always felt that the more practical component was lacking, not to mention the shortage of enthusiasm displayed by many a lecturer. Unlike University however, that was most definitely NOT the case when I enrolled for the Instructors Course (Basic Home Obedience) presented by Chris and Christine. I am happy to report that this course far surpassed my expectations!! Chris and Christine are not only experienced presenters, but their enthusiasm is positively contagious! The study material presented to us was comprehensive, well laid out and easy to understand. The atmosphere was always relaxed and the course was presented in an informal manner – I never once felt out of place or too uncomfortable to ask a question. The practical tasks, though challenging, were exciting, fun to partake in, and highly rewarding!! This was without a doubt the most interesting and insightful course I have attended!!!
I believe that SADTC can be described as being: Successful, Accomplished, Driven, Tenacious, and Compassionate!! Not only do they care about the welfare and emotional state of all the dogs trained with them or boarded in their kennels, but they also care about every handler. I like to think of them as family, because I always feel at home in their company – they are always understanding, helpful and supportive.
Simone van Tonder
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Fairlands | Dog Instructor Course Fairlands Level 1
Instructor Course Level 2
Instructor Course Level 2 Ceremony (2025)
Diane Ferreira Redelinghuys
I want to thank South African Dog Training College for all the tools they have equipped my toolbox with when it comes to training dogs. I completed my level 2 Instructors course today. (Awaiting my results).
I adopted a submissive pup from CLAW (Community Led Animal Welfare) in March this year. The reason being that Alex did not tolerate high energy confident puppies that got into his face.
Benjamin howled blue murder out the back of my car window at the cars behind him. I am sure if he was a human child, people would have called the cops.
This was a month before I was to leave for 4 weeks to NZ. I applied the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months rule that I was taught in the Basic home obedience instructors course. The primary issue was to get Alex and Benjamin to bond without my interference, if needed. I never needed to interfere. Alex was the best Alpha ever!
I started teaching Benji just the sit for his food. I got pet sitters to look after my 4 animals, 2 cats and the dogs while I was away. They did a sterling job! When I returned, Benjamin was 5 months old and I started puppy socializing classes with Chris Byron at the club. Wow! What a guy with puppies! This allowed for Benji and I to form a bond, and so much more! I only learnt during this course that Benji and I skipped a level straight into Debbie’s class. Another PHENOMENAL basic home obedience trainer.
I brought Benjamin to the course, wanting to expose, introduce and teach him about agility. Going over the A- frame, the “board walk”, (which is terrifying for 99% of dogs and need several days of luring to do. Going through a hoop and through a pitch black tunnel. I used Alex as lead dog for the A frame and board walk, and Benji did not flinch. He did the tunnel and Tyre without hesitation.
For those that have seen Benjamin’s incredible propensity to serve, (opening drawers, cupboards, carrying and picking up ANYTHING,
I need to say ONE thing.
Without the knowledge I have obtained by doing the Instructors courses, being taught by the best I have come across in my 63 yrs, I would not have been able to “create and mold” such a happy and confident pup / dog.
Thank you Chris Vd Westhuizen , Christine, Biata, Chris Byron, Tammy Schutte and Debbie (?).
Michelle Potts Weedman ….thank YOU and CLAW for all your hard work and dedication you put into rescuing animals and reaching out to the uneducated. Without CLAW, I would not have the incredible dogs I have!
I am truly blessed!
Diane Redelinghuys
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
I loved all of the videos and movies as per usual. Christine I loved your quizzing for learning.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Aspen Hills
I, myself have really enjoyed, teaching me how to not over think and start understand how the dogs mind and body works
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Botswana
Learned from day 1.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Midrand
Christopher B
I feel that the theory and practical are complimentary of each other and has equal value in application. I cant say I have anything to criticize, but I do have so much gratitude for how my experience has helped me build my confidence again. Please never stop what you are doing, this world is dark and sometimes lonely, but with the love, passion and light you share is valuable beyond the immediate affect you have.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Dalpark
Christopher M
I really enjoyed the classes, knowledge and intimacy. Generally an extremely comfortable space. Even now, I can shift my attention and have the support you have given.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Sunward Park
I have learnt so much.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Mpumalanga
They are perfect to the T. All is perfect. Nice venue. You are in the heat of the moment where you feel home
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Alberton
Really enjoyed this one.
I do not want Chris to retire, he is a very good leader. The pressure Christine puts on us feels very constructive and very happy.
I was very happy and woke up excited each morning. I can’t wait to start my career in the dog world.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Brackendowns
The most valuable thing I learnt was how they showed standards and how they are marked.
Venue was good. Loved it.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Centurion
The very in-depth behaviour was awesome, as well as the higher level competition work.
It was great. I enjoyed the presenters and the work, and I enjoyed the instructors as well.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 KwaZulu Natal
I enjoyed working with aggressive dogs and what techniques to use.
They are brilliant. The course is brilliant and fun, I enjoyed it and it truly has changed my life.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 2 Dalpark
Hello Chris! I hope you and the family are well! Please send all my love! I wanted to thank you all once again for your guidance and expert knowledge that everyone at SADTC brought me. I have just had a long time client, with their Great Dane (just over 1 year old intact bitch)listen to my recommendation and get their dog to a vet before starting with behaviour modification. They sent their dog to me for board and I noticed a new behaviour. She will furiously chase her tail to the point of hurting it when anything raises her threshold. I tried exercising her out and working the mind, didn’t change it. Recommended she go to the vet and rule anything out. Lo and behold, it is a situation that requires medication and she will be right as rain with the right management going forward. They thanked me profusely because the vet said it is hard to pinpoint and people mistake the tail chasing as boredom and boredom alone. It wasn’t adding up for me so I told her VET before they see me again and she is coming to me again on Thursday so I will monitor and see.
Thank you for teaching me the importance of being humble. There are too many hectic dog trainers out there all fighting and being crazy against one another and forgetting we do this for the dogs and the owners who care. Thank you to you, Christine, Biata and everyone who worked with me. I look forward to maybe popping by next time I’m up again to say hello
Training type: Dog Instructor Course
Your dedication and passion is contagious, I loved it out here. I should quit my job and only attend seminars, etc here. Besides for feeling like family, the knowledge & expertise we can access here is priceless.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 2 Paulshof
I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and I have benefited greatly from Chris & Christine’s many years of experience which they are more than willing to share – a quality that is sometimes lacking in the dog training world. Their love for the dogs is apparent and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have been able to learn from them.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 2 Sunninghill
The course was amazing, working with all the dogs and great to hear the handlers helping each other. The presenters are perfect in their respective fields.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 2 Heidelberg
All great, presenters/presentations were packed with knowledge, especially experience that we got to see first-hand.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 2 Centurion
Thank you for helping me learn so much more, I will be back for Therapy courses.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 2 Randvaal
Marietjie did our instructor courses and taught in Pakistan, and made great headway for the legislation for animal rights etc.
Chris Vd Westhuizen thanks for all the knowledge gained through you & Christine @SA Dog Training College! One of the best ‘investments’ in my life!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Pretoria
Jerry (SARAC) completed our Level 1 (SADTC sponsored) & level 2 (member sponsored) instructor courses and has done so much good for the animals. We are proud to be associated with him and SARAC and congratulate him on all the awards he has achieved, the latest one winning the Premier Awards ie SADC 2019, CEO GLOBAL, Pan African Awards.
From Jerry:
Good Morning Christine
Hope all is well with you
Yes we are overwhelmed on winning the Premier Awards ie SADC 2019, CEO GLOBAL, Pan African Awards.
It is because people like you that we are where we are today, I am forever grateful that our path has crossed.
Kind Regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1 & 2
Thank you for the support. You guys have played a very important part of what I do.
Ever so grateful. I’m working towards (long term) to be endorsed with your Puppy Seminar. I think it has the potential to do very well in KZN. You guys will come and launch it here.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Class KwaZulu-Natal Level 2

SA Dog Training College is AMAZING! I’ve completed the instructor course level 1 and can’t wait to complete level 2 and 3. Their knowledge is incredible. I highly recommend SADTC.
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Sunnyrock | Dog Instructor Class Sunnyrock Level 2
I wanna share that story with you I can’t stop smiling! My girl Sheela before we went for a course was the sweetest teddy bear love everybody , especially my landlords when I’m not at home working long dbl shift at a restaurant they use to play with her teaching her bad habits like jumping on ppl and eat from the ground. I was no happy about it but nothing I could do I work hectic hours… Since we back home from the course my girl is changed! My landlady told me Sheela does not come out of cottage when I’m not at home and today was classic – I’m at work , my landlord smsed me and ask if he can come in to my place and fetch something I say yes of course !
Is normal I’ve been living there for 9 years I trust him!
5min later my landlord sms me saying: “little S#$t (Sheela) growled at him and won’t let him in!!!!! ” Lol. I just wanna say THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!
You work is amazing! I wanna continue protection work with my girl I think she gonna b amazing!
Loads of love kind regards
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Gauteng | Dog Instructor Class Gauteng Level 2
Instructor Course Level 3
Diane Redelinghuys
So excited to embark on level 2 and 3, ( intermediate and advanced ) dog instructors’ course at South African Dog Training College South African Dog Training College today. The next two weeks I will be tapping into the knowledge and years of experience of Chris Vd Westhuizen and his wonderful wife Christine.
I have been attending “school ” just over 18 months, and their daughter Biata has taken Alex and I from basic home obedience right up to the advanced class in only 18 months. In the first year, Alex achieved his Canine Good Citizen Gold level, the highest level. This is an international recognized programme. Alex has learnt to negotiate all the obstacles in an agility course, learnt how to ride escalators, lifts, negotiate open stairs and walk on open grid surfaces.
Chris exposed me to scent work, organising a seminar with Clinton Cilliers and Ansunet Cilliers. I attended a week long course with The Master Miguel Angel Carbajal Porto and his team from Spain with Clinton Cilliers doing mantrailing. I saw my Alex come alive. He LOVED it.
I have now started my young terrorist, Benjamin on the same Journey.
Diane Redelinghuys
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Marietjie Nicholson
My foundation… I will be fur-eva grateful to Christ & Christine for sharing their valuable knowledge & expertise! It was a privilege and an honour to do my training at SA Dog Training College.
Marietjie attended Levels 1 – 3 Instructor courses that we present. She is a first class handler and instructor. She now has her own kennels and rescue centre in Pretoria. She is a breeder of excellent Labrador Retrievers. Highly Recommended.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 3
Elmarie & Michelle
Dear Christine,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for inviting us to meet with you yesterday. You can’t imagine how much it means to us. It really inspired me to try even harder and accept that there will be days either one of the “team” will not be in a good space, but it doesn’t mean that we should give up.
Thank you to everyone who worked with Roxy yesterday, had the patience and perseverance because she did not make it easy for them.
Will send you some pics as well.
Kind Regards,
Elmarie and Michelle
P.S. Please thank Debbie for her calm and relaxed, yet knowledgeable demeanour. Loved working with her.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 1
Thank you very much for everything.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 Midrand
Fantastic, enjoyed the fresh air with the animals in between. Christine and Chris is, as always, excellent. Christine pushes the students which is excellent. Thank you for all you do and did for us.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 Alberton
I really appreciate having the two different instructors teaching us, showing us how, just because you plan a class you must be able to adapt with what is happening on that day. Basically showing me that one way is not always the correct or only option when it comes to training dogs.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 Botswana
I truly appreciate the relationship and experience I have gained from both of you. I love the venue, it’s open and calming and I felt it helped me absorb information easier. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience and I would recommend this course to anyone who has the interest and passion to work with dogs.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 Dalpark
Good morning Romayne. This is Khooram from India, could you please show this video to Christine about an aggressive GSD that I’m training.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 India
Joanie Viljoen
This year was a year with so many challenges and disappointments, dreams that I built and put my whole heart and soul into them were destroyed in a blink of an eye, but I kept believing and trusting that the Lord put me on the path for a reason, I was for 2 weeks at SADTC dog training college, what a challenge to be behind the books again at 36 and my husband and children far away from me, with Sheriff by my side we tackled everything and unpacked a lot of tears, it wasn’t easy, but after 2 weeks Could I stand with my Certificates as a trained dog instructor, it was worth it, I built a lot of friendships and those that were already there were built even stronger, I know in my heart the Lord has a plan for our lives, no matter how difficult it is, I feed l also proud to be called His child and to be able to live out His purpose for our lives. Thank you to everyone at college and at home who assisted me and encouraged me to keep going and push through.

Training type: Dog Instructor Course Level 3
This instructor students joins us from India, here he is working with dogs that are reactive to other dogs. He is doing very well and is now presenting his own classes.
New Instructor – Qualified to Level 3
I came to a school to talk to children about what a dog training Instructor does. I told them about S.A. Dog Training College and also about my business. I wanted to share this with you cos I would not have been able to do this without you and Chris. I am planning to talk to the High schoolers as well. Thank you so much!
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3
I enjoyed learning about scent work and also the move advanced exercises, like distance control.
I enjoyed all the lectures and practical’s. All relevant and good depth and detail.
I really enjoyed learning all of this stuff. I have learned a lot over the past 4 weeks and I am excited to go and put it into practice. Thank you.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 KwaZulu Natal
You guys were really sweet.
Week after week, my experience and views about this course are more positively stronger. Consistency and the in-depth studies and practical we have, I would suggest a day off weekly, as it does take a toll mentally, but overall, it has been an eye opener, as it was in-depth understanding on behaviour of dogs.. Always THINK LIKE A DOG.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 India
How to identify body language in dogs was extremely valuable.
Thank you for the time and effort put into helping me to become a better instructor and behaviourist. I am looking forward to doing more work and getting more involved. Thank you Chris and Christine, you changed my life.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 Dalpark
Different behaviours and how some can look like others is the most valuable lesson I have learnt.
All the topics were taught perfectly. It was a great venue and was very good.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 Centurion
Very happy with the course, will help improve my understanding of dogs and work better my dog day care career.
Training type: Instructor Course Level 3 Sandton
Hello Chris! I hope you and the family are well! Please send all my love! I wanted to thank you all once again for your guidance and expert knowledge that everyone at SADTC brought me. I have just had a long time client, with their Great Dane (just over 1 year old intact bitch)listen to my recommendation and get their dog to a vet before starting with behaviour modification. They sent their dog to me for board and I noticed a new behaviour. She will furiously chase her tail to the point of hurting it when anything raises her threshold. I tried exercising her out and working the mind, didn’t change it. Recommended she go to the vet and rule anything out. Lo and behold, it is a situation that requires medication and she will be right as rain with the right management going forward. They thanked me profusely because the vet said it is hard to pinpoint and people mistake the tail chasing as boredom and boredom alone. It wasn’t adding up for me so I told her VET before they see me again and she is coming to me again on Thursday so I will monitor and see.
Thank you for teaching me the importance of being humble. There are too many hectic dog trainers out there all fighting and being crazy against one another and forgetting we do this for the dogs and the owners who care. Thank you to you, Christine, Biata and everyone who worked with me. I look forward to maybe popping by next time I’m up again to say hello
Training type: Dog Instructor Course
The last 4 weeks have been incredibly impactful, I’m incredibly grateful for the knowledge I’ve gained and even more so for the confidence that’s been instilled. I’ve found my purpose and now I’m looking forward to growing even more, as a handler, trainer and instructor and most importantly a better human. Thank you Christine & Chris!
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 3 Sunninghill
You guys are amazing and I hope to be like you are, I am now going into this lifestyle for sure! It was really great working here and learning, especially how to properly shape behaviour. I can’t wait for Level 4!
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 3 Heidelberg
Thank you for dealing with us with so much honesty. Stay that way eventually the message comes through. It’s for the benefit of the animal’s safety/handler’s knowledge – A pleasure.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 3 Pretoria
Nothing bad to say/improve on. Excellent presenters and passion is always represented, whether in class or outside of college, they are always willing to help us. Nothing should be changed the work done at SADTC is changing dogs and handlers lives constantly.
Training type: Dog Training Instructor Course Level 2 Boskruin
Everything I learned was most valuable, the venue is perfect, no criticism. Personally I like everything you do, I have nothing to complain about. Thank you very much – I loved it!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Polokwane
I rate this course a 10 out of 10. I have no complaints about anything, I loved being here.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Edenvale
I enjoyed handling all the dogs in the correct way, loved the course and all people involved. Thank you for having me!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Pretoria
Fantastic presenters with great knowledge about dogs, people and life. The facilities were very good, and I am happy with all the topics presented and covered. Thank you to everyone
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Cape Town
Marietjie did our instructor courses and taught in Pakistan, and made great headway for the legislation for animal rights etc.
Chris Vd Westhuizen thanks for all the knowledge gained through you & Christine @SA Dog Training College! One of the best ‘investments’ in my life!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Pretoria
Hi Christine,
I just wanted to let you know that Phillip is with X at X in X. I dropped him off there this past weekend. He is doing his DH course as well and getting lots of experience. He says yesterday a guy came to give them some extra training and this was someone who jumped out of an airplane with his dog! He was so excited and awed. He says the course material is very tough.. I just wanted to thank you and Chris again for all that you have done for Phillip. He absolutely blossomed and found purpose and passion and it was thanks to you both. You made such a huge impression on him and he looks up to you. I can never say thank you enough. I hope you have a lovely day.
Training type: Dog Instructor Courses | Dog Instructor Class Courses Level 3
Let’s do a Level 4!
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Sunnyrock | Dog Instructor Course Sunnyrock Level 3
The training is going so amazing.
Once you have had your eyes opened by people like yourselves it’s very difficult to turn and not try change the world.
I cannot even begin to tell you how many dogs have come my way “ you are their last chance ” type of comments and I’ve got them back to being the best dogs they can be and it’s humbling to be able to rebuild the relationship between them and their owners It’s beautiful.
I have 88 dogs I deal with now and still love every minute of it.
Thank you for everything
Training type: Dog Instructor Class Honeydew | Dog Instructor Class Honeydew Level 3
Weereens wil ek julle bedank vir die fantastiese kursusse wat julle aanbied en die manier waarop julle studente toerus om selfversekerd kennis oor te dra en so ons passie “honde” te bevorder! Nóóit het ek gedink dat dit wat ek 3 jaar terug by en van julle geleer het, eendag in Pakistan van waarde sal wees nie!
Liefde vanuit Islamabad, Pakistan
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Pakistan | Dog Instructor Course Centurion
Looking forward to Level 4.
Love, Cindy.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Natal | Dog Instructor Course Natal Level 3
The course was fantastic, learnt lots of new ideas, excellent experience, enjoyed every moment of it!
Love, Iryna.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Ukraine | Dog Instructor Course Ukraine Level 3
I would rate the course a 10, we need more courses like this.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course KwaZulu-Natal | Dog Instructor Course KwaZulu-Natal Level 3
The courses are fun and awesome and I will be back for more!
Regards, Erin.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Honeydew | Dog Instructor Course Honeydew Level 3
I always really enjoy your dog training courses, especially the practical’s.
Training type: Dog Instructor Course Zimbabwe | Dog Instructor Course Zimbabwe Level 3
It is great to build a relationship, knowing that we can refer back to your knowledge and expertise when we get stuck.
Regards, Corné.